How Google's Upcoming Update Will Reward Mobile-Friendly Sites

Jillean Kearney
Jillean Kearney
How Google's Upcoming Update Will Reward Mobile-Friendly Sites

How will Google's upcoming updates will reward mobile-friendly sites.Google recently announced an upcoming major algorithm update that will impact its mobile search results in a big way. 

Mobile search results will now favor mobile-optimized websites. Beginning on April 21, 2015, mobile-friendliness will be used as a ranking signal to provide Google's growing number of mobile searchers with the most relevant, timely and user-friendly results.

In addition, Google's new App Indexing feature will pull content from apps into its results.

The update will affect search results in all languages across the globe.

How To Prepare

Check out Google's guide to creating a mobile-friendly website to see what the search engine is looking for in terms of usability. You can also run individual pages through Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.

If you have a Google Webmaster Tools account set up (and you definitely should), you have access to tools that show you how Googlebot sees your website. The Mobile Usability Report provides a complete list of your website's mobile usability issues – including too small font sizes, touch elements placed too close to each other and whether mobile viewports are configured.

Jillean Kearney
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Jillean Kearney
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